And the 1st moral of the story is that liars win ...Clay Bennet, Aubrey McClendon, and their entire group lied from the get go. They lied to everyone about darn near every thing and yet still won. It is time for a sculpture contest. Whoever can make the best Clay Bennet sculpture out of dog crap should win free season tickets for life to ... wait ... never mind ... we won't ever get another NBA team ... but the dog crap sculpture contest should happen anyways ...
And the 2nd moral of the story is that Seattle is truly a "can't do" city ...Nick Licata is the sort of politician that embodies Seattle in the 21st Century. We can't do anything. This used to be a town where things got done. Not any more. I really thought that Safeco Field and Qwest Field were of questionable value, yet they are being paid off ahead of schedule because they are used for so much more than what they were - strictly speaking - built for.
And the 3rd moral of the story is that everyone is at fault ...Howard Schultz knew that Clay Bennet was lying and sold him the team anyways. The State of Washington and City of Seattle are so paralyzed politically by virtually every issue that it is hardly surprising any more. David Stern is perhaps the most stubborn and arrogant prick in the world of sports. The fans really didn't do much to show support for the Sonics until very late in the game; I remember looking for people to break out their old Sonics stuff over the last couple years and it really wasn't until recently that I saw much of it. Where was the rally the day after the sale in 2006? I was even more upset by the news that the Lynnwood Hooters closed the same week and that I didn't have a place to go for pro wrestling pay per views any more ...
Oklahoma City is probably a decent place to live. I imagine the people there nice, much like in places like Des Moines or Little Rock; places that no major league is really wanting to expand to. Major League Soccer turned down Oklahoma City as being too small in recent expansion over a city like ... yes ... Seattle ...
There will be a nice little honeymoon period where the locals will buy a ton of merchandise and the tickets will be a hot commodity for a while ...
And then Kevin Durant will be eligible for free agency in three seasons and will leave to go be a Knick or Laker.
And then those years in the draft lottery will become habitual ...
And then the sell outs will end ...
And then ... your team will be much like the Clippers, another perennially bad NBA team ...
Good bye and good riddance ...
Oh ... and drink Tully's ...