I deserved to be punished.
My time management skills have more or less sucked lately. Yes, I basically live alone and am single and accountable to no one but myself most of the time. Yes, I can do things at odd hours without upsetting anyone other than maybe a neighbor. And yes, there is a bit of overreacting here, but sometimes the punishment has got to exceed the crime.
Last weekend I missed a martial arts class I had told someone I would be at. Over the weekend I noticed I was constantly checking my phone at work, which felt inappropriate. I also screwed around on the computer at my folks' enough that I did not get home and get laundry done on Sunday night and that screwed up my Monday morning enough that I was nearly late for work and was thrown off for a morning. At one point I more or less went all zombie and watched too many episodes in a row on DVD of a good show, but it meant my apartment was not cleaned.
So ...
I grounded myself.
No DVD player.
No social network.
Clean your apartment young man. Get your laundry done. Get organized and back on a better sleep schedule.
It has been a week. It is also working. And from what I can tell no one has noticed I shut down a page even though I have 300 friends online.
A few more things to catch up and then I can get back to normal ... if I decide to.