Thursday, February 27, 2020

Travels over time

As a list keeper I keep all sorts of odd lists.

Many of the odd lists are sports related or travel related.

I realized recently that I have traveled more in the just over six years since I went on a work trip to CA to this weekend in Chi-town and that is more than the previous 46 years total.

I never flew til I was almost 18.

My first few trips were just this coast.

A few random trips here and there over the years, but not very often, and sometimes with long stretches between, but sometimes like once a year in stretches.

And then, after a fairly long period of not travelling, I am on the go a bunch of times a year.

Suddenly, in a sense, I have been to Texas, specifically San Antonio more than any other flying travel location.

And, I now have a couple trips to Chicago, more than one international flight, and NYC multiple times.  

And most of the travel has been because of a choice a decade ago to volunteer at a con.