Thursday, March 19, 2020

As of right now

As of right now I am fine.

As of right now I have been pummeled economically due to the nature of how I make my living and how that gets classified.

As of right now my family if fine, although we have had to note that we have been places or worked in places with people who have tested positive.

As of right now I have some hope in that I found something PT and temp starting in a number of days that could at least keep me above water.

As of right now I am still fortunate to be with someone who is well and is able to work from our home.

As of right now I am worrying about people close to me that I can not be in nearly enough contact with for my liking in this time period.

As of right now I will post this and intend to post updates to this post and the like should there be updates or a time where it is reasonable to reflect backward.

As of right now I cannot adequately express how much I loathe certain people in political power that clearly have no business running anything and are proving it.

As of right now I am going to go read and get off line.