Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A post I responded to

A friend asked about the pre-pandemic world. Like, what do people selfishly miss. I posted this as a response.

"People. I miss Magic across the table. DnD in our group having dinner prior to starting. Conventions and the random way I only know some people in certain cities yet none of us live in that city. Talking soccer with the Russian dumpling truck guy. Students in person and the energy they have. Saber class and actually sparring as opposed to drills. Dancing at country bars even though I am a metal head. Soccer matches in the press box with my media peeps. Concerts. It turns out even though I value my private time, I have in my 50+ years managed to get to know an awful lot of interesting people. There is no substitute for good people."

But, I already have to deal with hazmat when I come home from the temp gig. People are not wearing masks enough. There is a real need to take all this seriously, and it will be worth it. But, there are days.