Wednesday, March 19, 2008



This is a part of a piece that I wrote several years ago in a journal and decided to type up and tidy up and post here ...

What is a miracle?
It can't just be an amazing event.
It has to be something that is so rare and so unlikely as to be more than a mere statistical aberration or quirk of fate.
It has to come out of left field.
It has to be a surprise, even to those looking for it, wishing for it, hoping for it, or praying for it.
It has to confound those for whom it happens.
It has to be something truly, truly, truly needed.
My logical mind knows not how to ask for or pray for one, but I think I know how to wish and have to sometimes hope that a wish will be good enough.
I have to set aside rational thought, throw caution to the wind, and find myself asking to whomever can hear my thoughts and my heart of my need for a miracle.
One must temper one's anger at something they don't understand for something they do not really know if they deserve.
A miracle cannot just be for one person.
Oh, there can be one major recipient of the miracle; but the nature of such things means that there is a necessary ripple effect as a miracle's true ramifications are felt.
Since a miracle is not usually just for one person there has to be a sense of necessary detachment.
But, enough about that.
Miracles can happen, but waiting for them is foolish.
Go make your own miracles.

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