Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Against my desire to avoid this damn election season ...

I just had hoped to hibernate and then vote and be done with it ...

To that end I had ceased listening to talk radio and NPR this year.

The Biden choice had me feeling and thinking that this was the right course of action. I decided to avoid the conventions this year as much as possible. Then John McCain threw the true monkey wrench into things by selecting Sarah Palin and "Poof!" I am interested again ...

Big Blue made the comment during our recent Scrabble Night that, "I want a gun toting, moose hunting woman as President." Interesting. But, not enough for me to vote for her.

Whether or not she is qualified or has enough experience is a valid issue. I do find it humorous that people are saying that being mayor of a small town prepares one to be POTUS, not out of disrespect for the office of mayor but because it sort of implies that being mayor of Edmonds makes one qualified to be in the Oval Office. The splitting of hairs over "executive experience" and the like is getting a bit annoying. I am not certain ANY job in and of itself qualifies someone for the Oval Office.

I find myself in the odd position of LIKING the candidates of the other party. I like John McCain and think he is an interesting person. The same can be said for Sarah Palin. However, liking them has nothing to do with public policy or what I would like to see from my government.

Despite my best intentions, I am being drawn back into this election. It has become the most interesting election of my lifetime.

I am interested enough in the election now to watch the debates.

I am interested enough in the election now to find out more about Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. The very real possibility is that one of them could become POTUS within the next four years.

Talk radio is still off limits though ...

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