Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dear new Sonics ownership group

Dear New Sonics Ownership Group

You are lying.

No one invests millions of dollars in anything without a plan.

No one invests millions of dollars in anything without an end game.

No one invests millions of dollars in a sports franchise in a different town and can reasonably expect people to believe that they do not want to bring that franchise to their town with the new building. It would be negligent of you to not have plans in place about the future of the franchise 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, and ten years from now given the money invested.

If you don't have a plan, you are all morons. I doubt you are all morons.

You may very well accept a new arena in this region if the financing that no one really expects comes through. It would make for a nice profit for you when you sell the team and purchase an expansion or other franchise to relocate. It would be a heck of a windfall for you that your Plan B worked out so well.

But no one here truly believes that an arena in this region is your Plan A.

Stop pretending.

Stop with the obviously rehearsed lines about market and a timeline.

You are lying.

And the more you lie the less likely this region is to help you.

Just say it.

“Build it or we leave.”

It’s easy.

You talk around it. You make very careful statements that basically say it and give you all the plausible deniability you will need later. Say what you mean and maybe that honesty and credibility would buy you some good will and support. All you can really expect now is a team that is going to find itself moving quickly off the radar in a town that has supported it for 40 years. The Sonics will leave town with a barely audible thud, the thud of the door smacking you on your lying butts as you leave.

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