Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Taqwacores

This December a friend posted a link about this story on Facebook. I had not heard of this novel, yet it had been an Internet sensation for several years. At Christmas I received two copies of the same novel so I went to 3rd Place Books and asked about this one. The two clerks had not heard of it either, but did a quick search on The Google looking for "Buffalo Punk Rock Muslims Book" and found the article. A quick database search led to an order for the book and when it came in I quickly began reading.

I have to admit that there were points where I was startled, and so I can imagine the shock value to Muslim readers; and, bear in mind that I didn't necessarily get all the jokes, references, and double meanings in the text.

Think of it this way. If Salinger was younger, a Muslim convert, and into punk rock then this would be a novel he would write.

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