Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Don't get too excited ...

To my friends on "the left" that are currently enjoying the following ...

... that Dick Cheney is the face of the Republican Party right now and bashing Colin Powell ...

... that The Sarah Palin family situation has become Jerry Springer like with the "tell all" on Tyra, etc ...

... that John McCain's daughter is trying to push the Republican Party to the middle ...

... that Rush Limbaugh is mostly on the defensive and appearing even more shrill than normal ...

... that a former Republican presidential primary candidate and current Senator is switching parties ...

Just remember ...

It may seem like there is an implosion going on and that it will always be this way. It won't. These things cycle around. Maybe it will take a few election cycles, but don't get cocky.

Need I remind you all that Harry Reid is still Senate Majority Leader ...