Saturday, May 16, 2009

Should I have challenged "doopy"?

In honor of Scrabble Night this weekend and it apparently being the final time we meet with the building we all used to work in being open ... the following true story of something that happened one evening while working there ...

But first, I challenged "jin" and lost ... should I have challenged "doopy"? Bear in mind we use the Scrabble website as our dictionary.

On to the story ...

A few years ago when I was working evenings for Big Insurance Company there was something like 30 people in the building. It was a 3 story, but quite big office building to which we were the sole tenant.

The fire alarm went off at around 7 and so we went outside. We waited ... we waited 45 minutes for the local fire dept to stroll up. Meanwhile the alarm would not go off, so we stood way across a pretty big parking lot to not have it blaring at us. The fire dept walked slowly to the building as if very routine and not worth their time.

45 minutes? It's a couple blocks away.

The 4 fireman come rushing out of the building, gear up in a hurry and rush back in. A couple minutes later the alarm stops and the firemen come out. The kitchen had actually been on fire with the sprinkler system dousing it. But the gas, sprinklers, and alarms needed to be shut off. Needless to say, none of us were very happy with their lazy response to the whole "drill" that was not a drill ...

It was apparent that they considered it to be a false alarm. Who knows why. But, they were like 3 minutes away, not on a call it turned out, and had expected security to call them off to not come at all. When they got there, they were more irritated than helpful. Then it turned out to be real. There were some fireworks the next day when the boss apparently went off on the fire chief where staff could hear it on the phone from his office ...