Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's funny and yet really not ...

The shoe and our new Irish boy in the White House.

When W had shoes thrown at him I heard the cheering and laughter from the left. On the surface there was room for some humor to laugh off the seriousness of the situation. But, really it wasn't funny. The danger of something happening to the POTUS from one of those shoes striking him, or from there being something other than just leather whizzing past his head was very real.

Imagine something similar happening to our new Prez.

Maybe it is not a shoe. Maybe it is a shoe and it strikes him on the bridge of the nose. Will the same people be laughing? Will the Right laugh this time?

Today, Barry O'Bama, that good Irish boy (read Dreams From My Father to get the reference from his early days in Chicago) takes the oath of office. Is it okay for those in political opposition to laugh should the unthinkable happen.

W got lucky when both shoes missed. The second one actually got closer. The nation and world got lucky that day too. Let's hope we have nothing like that to laugh about again.

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