Friday, January 16, 2009

My shoulder was burning

In December, 2 years to the day of my Black Belt Test, I resumed (again) my martial arts training. Ten minutes in and my shoulder was burning to the point where I was really wondering if I could lift my arm up and over my head.

The lesson I learned was clear. It is harder and harder to get in shape when one gets older. The good habits have to be steadfastly stuck to.

Bear in mind I was hardly out of shape having just ran a marathon a few weeks earlier and yet my 41 year old joints and muscles were screaming at me to stop.

Ten minutes.

Due to weather canceling classes, the holidays, and cracked ribs last night was again my first martial arts class after a break. One month where running was out due to the sidewalks being crotch high in snow and cracked ribs making it tough to breathe, let alone work out. Ten minutes in and breathing was a chore.

But, there is a Brown Belt Test I will take in February. There is another test around April, and likely my Deputy Black Belt in June or July. I will not break anything this year.

And this morning my body felt like it was fighting to get going, so I got up and did a light jog.

Good habits.

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