Friday, June 06, 2008

Pick her now or not at all ...

Pick her now or not at all ...

Last night the news was all a tingly about a secret meeting between Obama and Hillary at the Clinton residence in DC.

What could they be talking about?

Were they negotiating something?

Umm ... duh ...

It is clear that an Obama/Clinton ticket is a potential winner. Obama has been gracious without gloating this week and Hillary was handling her loss with class.

But, the numbers involved in the primary season clearly indicate that there is a real split and it is very close between the two candidates. Something needs to be done to cement the notion that the party can be unified behind one candidate or it will all simply fade into an appearance of lip service.

If Hillary is going to be the veep, then Obama simply cannot leave it hanging for too long. It appears he would like to take some time to spread out the announcements. In this instance though I believe that would be a mistake. An announcement needs to be soon one way or another. This simply cannot linger.

The speculation as to what she negotiated for her support should she not be the veep will be huge, but far better than a lingering question would be. If she is the veep she can hit the ground running and they can spend a summer working out the kinks prior to the inevitable avalanche of negative campaigng the fall will bring. Picking a former opponent is tricky, but the longer we have to get used to the idea this year given the tone of the primary campaign the better.

If Obama does not know who his best picks for veep are already, or if he doesn't really know who the top picks for each cabinet post or future court nominations are then he is not ready to be president. Do not pretend that you are starting to think about this. Make the announcement one way or another and move forward. A united party simply doesn't really happen that often and this is one of those times where it needs to be grabbed hold of ...

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