Thursday, June 04, 2009

Choosing projects ... dated materials

The time for certain projects passes.

As I look forward to the next projects I work on I realize that some projects are simply a product of their time.

For instance, my novel Boomerang simply would not work as a movie today. The premise and story are fine, but a real product of the early 90s when it was written. The pervasiveness of cell phones simply makes the story no longer currently plausible and would date a film in a negative way.

Think of it this way ... has there ever been a movie as prophetic as ED TV? It seems silly today that a reality series like that would be controversial, but at the time no one was being followed around with cameras like in so many shows today.

So, as I look forward to my continued work on The Scarecrow Effect I know that it is still timely. Also, doing the Celebrity Dating Service story seems very timely and is one that I want to pursue. My Bigfoot and St. Shotgun stories seem pretty timeless, so I won't press it.