Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I have walked the mall ...

I have walked the mall ...

This almost feels like a confession.

"The mall" is the park of the modern day; the town center, a place where people go to meet and not just to shop - say what you will about that, but it is true ...

I worked at Macy's a Christmas season ago. I always sort of knew of the mall walking thing prior to that, but I really saw it then when I opened one morning. There are a lot of people at the mall prior to the stores actually opening. It is like a running track; a warm, lit, indoor place to walk in the morning. Let me be clear, there appears to be no running, only walking.

The high number of people walking in the morning really caught me off guard. Some of the food places open, with the coffee shops doing great business.

The demographic is skewed toward the older crowd. I remember seeing this old guy in sweater pushing a walker still looking for love as he walked, clearly he had got up early and put on his nice slacks and a sweater in order to impress the ladies; it was very sweet.

Recently, I went mall walking with a friend one morning ... I almost felt out of place, we were much younger than the demographic ....

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