Friday, January 25, 2008

Teddy's Adventure In Outer Space

Teddy's Adventure In Outer Space

I was in fifth grade when I wrote a story as a class assignment. We were supposed to write a story so that it could be decided which of us would go to Seattle Pacific University for a day for a "Young Authors Conference". My story was selected and was titled "Teddy's Adventure In Outer Space".

It was a story about a small bear that ends up saving the earth from destruction. In a way it really was like a fifth grade version of The Hitchhikers Guide ... even though I had not read that story at that point ... the details are fuzzy ...

I remember two copies of the story were put together in book form with a classmate providing the art. One copy went and was then a part of the collection kept at the university.

Years later I tried to find the copy kept at the house, but to this day my mother has not been able to find it. At the same time I contacted Seattle Pacific and was informed that the collection was disbursed throughout Seattle schools. I remember contacting the school district and then was informed that these books were likely in classrooms ...

I have not given up hope that the house copy is still here, it would be unlike my mother to have tossed something like that and to be honest, there is a lot of stuff in my folks' house so it may yet turn up some day ...

Recently, as I have gone through old material I have wanted to try and track down the book. So, if by some strange and statistically improbable twist of fate a Seattle teacher reads this and can locate the book ...

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